Friday, August 13, 2010

Elsevier and PANGAEA Take Next Step in Connecting Research Articles to Data

This is taken from Elsevier's press release:

Amsterdam, 29 July 2010 – Elsevier, a world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, and PANGAEA - Publishing Network for Geoscientific & Environmental Data - today announced their next step in interconnecting the diverse elements of scientific research. Elsevier articles at ScienceDirect are now enriched with graphical information linking to associated research data sets that are deposited at PANGAEA. This enrichment functionality offers a blueprint of how Elsevier would like to work with data set repositories all over the world.
Which is very nice indeed and shows the direction which 'linking data' hopefully takes! PANGAEA now delivers a small map (iframe) which Elsevier embeds in their article pages. It shows the geographical position of supplementary data which is archived at PANGAEA. Some examples for this can be found here or here:

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